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Why did I choose to tell this story? I wrote The Story of Baha’u’llah to answer questions – the kinds of questions I asked when I first encountered the Baha’i Faith and its Founder, Baha’u’llah.
How did Baha’u’llah live His life? What choices did He make? How did He treat those who loved Him or respond to those who betrayed Him? What effect did He exert on the world?
My hope is that readers will investigate for themselves a life that is compelling by any standard – and which continues to inspire countless souls.
Read excerpt here

“Luminous Realities” refers to the reality
of human beings. The phrase comes from a Baha’i prayer which is a touchstone for me. It honors the nobility of the human soul, urges striving for excellence, and speaks to the learning process at the heart of human endeavor.
Read Luminous Realities Prayer