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“Baha’u’llah says there is a sign (from God) in every phenomenon,”
said ‘Abdu’l-Baha, “the sign of the intellect is contemplation and the sign of contemplation is silence. . .”
During this contemplative time of Fasting I would like to share from my personal archives the poem below.

When night has cast her shawl around my day,
enfolding those diversions for a time,
and croons her quiet to my clamorous way
to ease those constant tuggings at the mind,

then, unoccupied by outside force,
unfettered from the world's ten thousand things,
do I discover comforting discourse
in silence and the world it richly brings --

a pool of quiet to lap the noisy shore,
a cool oasis, nourishing and sweet,
whose waters soothe, replenish, and restore
my wilted soul -- a balm of lush retreat.

Sequestered there from this hard, grappling place
I hear the heartfelt whisperings of grace.

- Druzelle Cederquist
spsm&h 1999

Poetry Notes for this poem at Luminous Realities blog