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He befriended the bereft.
He enlightened the learned.
He addressed the rulers of the world.
How will He speak to you?

*pronounced Bah-hah-ol-LAH  Arabic meaning “The Glory of God”

Reader Reviews

The Story of Baha’u’llah takes the reader on an unforgettable journey. Here is what readers – young and old, from the curious to the scholar – say about the experience:

“I opened your book and was hooked immediately. I love that every single chapter recaptures my attention. The book reads so easily and flows so nicely and is such a great adventure story; I can't get the story out of my mind. I try to read with the eye of a person unused to Baha'í names and lingo; a perfect book for that. I finished The Story of Baha’u’llah and wanted it to go on forever.” – Michigan

"I finished your book The Story of Bahau'llah this morning. From one chapter to another, I felt and understood the tragedy, trials and injustices endured by The Bab, Baha'u'llah, The Holy Family and the early believers. I bought three more copies for Christmas presents for my friends. Thank you.”
- Texas

“I want to tell you how much I am enjoying your book. I . have been reading one chapter every morning. I savor it so much. Sometimes I read more, but I don’t want it to end because it’s so simply and beautifully written that it lets the essence and power of what happened come through. I love the way you add just enough detail to create the scene. I tell everyone to get the book. I think it will be a classic.” - Northeast

“. . . your ABSOLUTELY RIVETING BOOK makes the Faith come alive and even "leaps out" at you as you hear it; very helpful for those who want a different approach to dates and events. I truly treasure having it and I have read and re-read it many times. I even recorded a personal copy for me and a nearly blind friend of mine to enjoy and I listen to it in my car all the time. It is so touching, so personal, so real and so inspirational. Thanks again.” -- North Carolina

“I sent the book to my uncle, who is not a Baha'i. He read it and absolutely loved it. He said it was a great book and that it really helped him understand more about the time and culture in which Baha’u’llah lived. His reading stimulated a lot of discussion between the two of us. I took this as pretty high praise, as he is an avid reader of history.” - Illinois

" I'm thinking about what your book has done to me: it's a scholarly work with zest, passion, and in an earthly style that is right on the money. And in only 300 pages it gives the whole "stupendous" story of Baha'u'llah. It's wonderful! . . . I read the book once and I am halfway through the second and I intend to keep reading it through over and over again until I pass on. No kidding!"
- Georgia

“I just finished reading The Story of Baha’u’llah: Promised One of All Religions, and it immediately made my list of books I’ll always have on my shelf. It covers such a complex set of events, spanning decades, in an unfamiliar culture (to most English readers), and involving a whole array of individuals and institutions. You present all this simply, yet without dumbing things down. . . It is tender in some places, forceful in others, and thoughtful throughout. In short you did just an amazing job.
- Saskatchewan, Canada

“Thank you for . . . your inspired book, "The Story of Baha'u'llah: Promised One of All Religions." Your vivid descriptions of the circumstances of Baha'u'llah's life and ministry have brought us into the bazaars, the mosques, the homes and the hearts of those who had the rare privilege of gazing upon His countenance and hearing His sacred voice. It is in truth an inspired work of spiritual history.”
- Pennsylvania

“I've just finished your book about Baha'u'llah and wanted to tell you how excellent and absolutely significant I think it is. I have to confess that I didn't read the book for a couple of years, thinking that I "knew it all". What a mistake! Everybody should read it, veteran Baha'is included. There are many places where you connect dots I didn't know needed connecting. There's really effective coherence and body to this work. A new believer in our hamlet was moved along in her search best by reading your book. I never knew that my own fasting experience this year had such a wonderful window in store. I'm so impressed and grateful--and am enthusing to all the Baha'is about it.” - Virginia

The Story of Baha'u'llah has been instrumental in raising my spiritual journey to a higher level.”

       - Texas

It truly is a book for all ages. I especially think the youth will enjoy it.”

       - North Carolina

I love your book! I’ve so enjoyed reading it!  It is helping me to connect more with Baha’u’llah, which is so amazing and wonderful.”        

       - New York College Student

(Spouse) never connected with Baha'i books until yours. . . She updates me every day on various stories found in your book. I can see it’s connecting with her heart.”

       - Northeast

I finished the Story of Baha'u'llah within the first few days of receiving it. . . . what an incredible gift . . . I am very impressed with the way you have woven details, history and love so seamlessly through this riveting story. Your book made me feel like I was there. Thank you for this wonderful treasure!”

       - Northeast

Your expression of the story of Baha’u’llah is very beautiful. I anticipate reading the story to my children regularly!! . . . We continue to enjoy your book and recommend it to anyone who is studying the life of Baha’u’llah!”

       – New York

Even though I know the story, I get excited all over again reading your descriptions of the early days of the Babis and Baha’u’llah. . . . the story-telling format you have adopted is terrific and you pull it off admirably.”

       – New York

A week ago I had enough of a headache to prevent me from working but not enough to stop me from curling up with a cup of tea, my cat, and a new book (The Story of Baha’u’llah). I meant to read a chapter or two; 160 pages later I put the book down. I’ve been struggling to find the time to finish it now that I don’t have an excuse to just ‘sit.’ The book is wonderful.”

       – Canada

(A friend) mailed me a copy of your book and I have been reading it with the utmost enjoyment. I’ve read . . . most of the Baha'i books on history, but your book puts all the stories together in a fashion that not only makes chronologic sense, but tells the story in a manner that is most enjoyable to read. I’m loving every minute of it!”

       - Delaware